
Belotero Basic

Quick Overview

The origin of this product is Europe

Buy Belotero Basic Manufactured by Merz.

In order to Buy Belotero from Medica Outlet you must have a prescription or Medical Professional License Number.

Availability: In stock

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More Details

Buy Belotero Basic Online

Nirva Pharma Plusis one of the first online retailers to allow customers to buy Belotero Basic online. Belotero Basic is a revolutionary new hyaluronic acid gel, engineered by Swiss scientists and manufactured by world-renowned Merz Pharmaceuticals. When you buy Belotero Basic online you’ll be receiving a product which has been meticulously designed to treat a variety of moderate and deep folds while also helping with lip definition. Those who have purchased Belotero Basic online have been able to target stubborn wrinkles including the glabellar lines, nasolabial folds, mentolabial folds, and marionette lines. In addition, this product is highly recommended for contouring earlobes and defining the philtrum, or area separating the upper lip from the nose.

Individuals who buy Belotero Basic online will have a product which is both effective and adaptive. This dermal filler can be injected deep into the dermis, generating soft and even enhancement. Medical professionals may also choose to combine Belotero Basic with other cosmetic fillers in order to create a highly customized look for their patients.

Order Belotero Basic from Nirva Pharma Plus - Guaranteed Authentic!

Nirva Pharma Plusis an online retailer which only deals with certified medical professionals. When a doctor chooses to order Belotero Basic from Nirva Pharma Plus they are guaranteed to receive original Belotero Basic manufactured by Merz Pharmaceuticals. Individuals buying Belotero Basic from Nirva Pharma Plus have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Save money, time, and stress by ordering Belotero Basic from Nirva Pharma Plus today!

Additional Information

ManufacturerBrandStrengthPack Size
MerzBelotero1 ml1 pre-filled syringe(s)