
Belotero Intense

Quick Overview

The origin of this product is Europe

Buy Belotero Intense Manufactured by Merz.

In order to Buy Belotero from Medica Outlet you must have a prescription or Medical Professional License Number.

Availability: In stock

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More Details

Buy Belotero Intense For Deep-Set Wrinkles

Nirva Pharma Plus is proud to provide consumers with one of the most innovative products on the market today- Belotero Intense. Belotero is a product which has gained a remarkable reputation as an elastic and efficient dermal filler. It is sold in a number of potencies. Medical professionals are encouraged to buy Belotero Intense online from Filamex Pharma Plus in order to treat patients who exhibit deep-set facial wrinkles. Many individuals buy Belotero Intense to specifically target nasolabial folds, sunken cheeks, prominent jowls, and mentolabial folds. Moreover, it is recommended that physicians buy Belotero Intense in order to accentuate a patient’s eyebrows and generally enhance the volume in a variety of facial areas including, but not limited to, the bridge of the nose and the lips.

Don’t Settle For Second-Best!

Nirva Pharma Plus is interested in the health and well-being of the public above all else. Consequently we only deal our medical products to certified physicians. Our Belotero line features authentic products manufactured by Merz Pharmaceuticals, the only licensed creator of Belotero. We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee, ensuring that those who buy Belotero Soft online receive the best value on the market!

Additional Information

ManufacturerBrandStrengthPack Size
MerzBelotero1 ml1 pre-filled syringe(s)