
Juvederm Ultra 4 (2x.8ml)

Quick Overview

The origin of this product is Europe

Buy Juvederm Ultra 4 Manufactured by Allergan

In order to Buy Juvederm Ultra 4 you must have a prescription or Medical Professional License Number.

Availability: In stock

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More Details

Buy Juvederm Ultra 4

The Juvederm Ultra 4 product is one of the most recent additions to the catalog that we offer. Like any other product in our catalog, Medical professionals can conveniently buy Juvederm Ultra 4 online as well as buy Juvederm Ultra 4 wholesale. It comes in a package with two pre-filled syringes just as the rest of the Juvederm products are, however, the Juvederm Ultra 4 also contains hyaluronic acid fillers in addition to the lidocaine already present. Nearly all dermatologists as well as some Medical practitioners and surgeons have updated their use of Juvederm to the Ultra 4 product just to ensure painless cosmetic procedures such as lip enhancements for their patients. This product contains two syringes which each hold .8ml of fluid.

Juvederm Ultra 4 is GUARANTEED to be authentic manufactured by Allergan.

Additional Uses of Juvederm Ultra 4

Although Juvederm Ultra 4 can be used to effectively reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines on the skin, the potency of this product also has the ability to be used in procedures targeting deep rooted wrinkles in the skin, crow’s feet, as well as enhancements such as chin and cheek lifts as well. This European based product is manufactured by AllerganBuy Juvederm Ultra 4 online and experience the savings immediately!

Buy Juvederm Online from Filamex Pharma Plus

Side Effects of Juvederm Ultra 4

Juvederm Ultra 4 may present some side effects. It is best and recommended that you speak with your physician to find out more about the possible side effects of buying Juvederm Ultra 4.

Buy Juvederm Authentic from Allergan

When you buy Juvederm Ultra 4 online you are GUARANTEED to receive only authentic Juvederm manufactured by Allergan. When you buy Juvederm Ultra 4 online from our catalog, you receive the assurance that the products come with 100% satisfaction guarantee. We proudly stand behind that each package is authentic.

Additional Information

ManufacturerBrandStrengthPack Size
AllerganJuvederm8 ml2 pre-filled syringe(s)