
Restylane with Lidocaine

Quick Overview

The origin of this product is Europe

Buy Restylane with Lidocaine Manufactured by Q-Med.

In order to Buy Restylane with Lidocaine you must have a prescription or Medical Professional License Number.

Availability: In stock

  • Buy 20 for US$157.00 each
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More Details

Buy Restylane

Restylane with Lidocaine was first introduced to the market as a cosmetic enhancer over ten years ago. Since this introduction, it has been researched, tested and used for a variety of different cosmetic and Medical purposes. We offer clients to buy Restylane with Lidocaine products, which contain an individual 1ml application of hyaluronic acid manufactured by Q-Med. The combination of this powerful local anesthetic and the hyaluronic acids that the body is able to break down naturally, create a collagen-like filler to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.  Browse our catalog to buy Restylane with Lidocaine and take advantage of our bulk shipping and wholesale prices. Restylane with Lidocaine is authentic from Q-Med.


Generally, Restylane with Lidocaine applications can last up to six to eight months before another injection is required. Many studies show that in certain cases, improvements to the skin were visible after just two applications, creating longer results without renewal injections. Although it is not required, many Medical practitioners will run allergy tests before administering Restylane with Lidocaine injections to avoid side effects and reactions. Buy Restylane with Lidocaine for use on the neck on and around the facial area as well as on the hands to eliminate the appearance of aging.

Common Restylane with Lidocaine Side Effects

Restylane with Lidocaine has been known to cause interactions with certain medications. It is imperative that you consult with your physician before proceeding with the Restylane with Lidocaine injections. This product is not recommended for pregnant women, those who are nursing or planning to conceive.

Buy Authentic Restylane with Lidocaine

We provide a safe and secure way for licensed professionals to buy Restylane with Lidocaine supply at wholesale prices.All products come with 100% satisfaction guarantee. Purchasing Restylane with Lidocaine wholesale can save both time and money for any medical practice including hospitals, clinics and multi-practices. We proudly stand behind that each product is authentic and original from Q-Med.

Additional Information

ManufacturerBrandStrengthPack Size
Q-MedRestylane1 ml1 pre-filled syringe(s)